Andréa Caetano da Silva Soares is 36 years old and a native of Goiânia, Goiás. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism, she has been working in cultural production since 2015. She works in producing the visual artist Maicon Soares and some artisans from the Municipality of Aparecida. She has participated in the development and assembly of more than 8 individual and collective exhibitions, along with some interviews and documentaries over the years. Skills include cultural production, technical support, and administrative assistance.
Ease with diverse audiences.
Also organized the exhibition 'From Discard to Art' in various locations, including Palavrear Bookstore, UFG Samambaia Campus Library, UFG Colemar Natal e Silva Campus Library, FARGO (Goiás Arts Fair), Court of Justice, Desembargador Fenelon Teodoro Reis Forum, Civil Forum, and 588 Art Show in Goiânia, Goiás.
Currently, she is a producer for the Artisans Cooperative of Goiás (CARTAGO) and Proyatê.