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Wesley Neres

Wesley Neres

Designer / Copywriter / Creative Agent

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Wesley Neres is a Show Director recognized in the cultural scene of Goiás for versatility and creativity in productions. He has executed projects within the realms of theater, operas, stage direction for ballets, scripts and compositions for musicals, as well as scriptwriting and directing for audiovisual productions (series, documentaries, and short films), and photography. His experiences in design, coupled with art direction for performances and audiovisuals, provide an aesthetic signature that embraces lighting, projections, and physical elements, offering a complete immersion for the audience.

Iniciou sua trajetória artística pela música, quando aos 15 anos se inscreveu na Banda Marcial Presidente Castello Branco, banda de música da escola de mesmo nome. Nesse mesmo período, paralelamente aos estudos de música, junto a amigos, abriu seleção para criar a Castelo Cia de Teatro. O interesse pela arte o levou a estudar Percussão Erudita e Bateria no Centro Cultural Gustav Ritter, lugar onde compôs formações musicais como Orquestra Jovem e Banda Sinfônica. Também estudou no CEP em Artes Basileu França, onde se aprofundou na percussão erudita, percussão popular e bateria, compondo na escola as formações da Orquestra Sinfônica Jovem, Big Band, Banda Marcial e Grupo de Choro. Em 2011, a convite da Giro8 Companhia de Dança, retomou o caminho das artes cênicas como assistente teatral da Cia, e consequentemente, se aproximou do teatro.

In the area of ​​urban dances, he was a partner in Enjoy Cultura, producer that created the Mostra Goiana de Danças Urbanas and Mostra Enjoy Cultura, during the 6 editions of the largest event of its kind in the
Center-West that brings together renowned teachers on the national scene.

He was Director of Teatro Sesi Goiânia During the 2022 season, he led the production of Terça no Teatro, an event that had the support of Vale and had national coverage in the theater format, filmed and broadcast on the YouTube Channel and open to the public.

He is a student of the Higher Course in Scenic Production at Escola do Futuro em Artes Basileu França and a Degree in Musical Education at the Federal Institute of Goiás, Scenic Director of the Orchestra
Sinfônica de Goiânia, Art Director at Teatro Escola Basileu França, Playwright and Director of Ballet, Opera and Theater shows, and visual artist active in the Goiás scene.